Please note holiday classes are conducted online unless otherwise stated.
How to read:
E.g. If your child is in P4 in 2020 and taking P5 class next year, he should be taking the P5 class.
English classes below are 4-week courses.
- P5-P6 Writing class
Fri 10:00 27/11, 4/12, 11/12, 18/12
- P5-P6 Paper 2 class
Fri 11:30 27/11, 4/12, 11/12, 18/12
- P3-4 Three-picture composition writing class
Fri 13:00 27/11, 4/12, 11/12, 18/12
- Current affairs class (for both pri and secondary school)
Fri 14:30 – 27/11, 4/12, 11/12, 18/12
- Preparation for S1 English course (if the date falls on PSLE result day, we will reschedule.)
Thu 10am 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12
- J1 preparation GP course: Topics: Family and inequality
(Also suitable for S4 IP students)
Thu 11:30 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12
- S2-S4 Expository writing class
Thu 13:00 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12
- S2-S4 Comprehension class
Thu 14:30 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12
Chinese class- one session only
Date (Open ended)
– Indicate the date/time you prefer and we will try to start a class.
DAY1 PAPER 2 项目(便条与阅读理解答题法)
– 针对小六会考便条提醒进行强化练习
– 如何审题并从材料中找出答案
– 阅读理解的答题法
DAY 2 PAPER 1看图作文训练班
– 作文基本结构及框架概括
– 写作手法讲解
– 好词好句共享
S4 Chemistry classes. (two sessions- physical, but you have the choice to attend the sessions online.)
Tues 430pm: 1 Dec, 8 Dec
Topics to be discussed:- Mole Concept
– Chemical Bonding
– Acids, Bases and Salts (including salt identification)
Topics to be discussed:- Mole Concept
– Chemical Bonding
– Acids, Bases and Salts (including salt identification)