Weight vs Mass

Science tip: “The weight of an object is also its mass.” This is really awkward to explain because we use kg to measure both weight and mass. -Weight is the pull of the Earth’s gravity on mass and is dependent on the gravity experienced (so an object will have a different weight on the moon).[…]

The woes of answering Science open-ended questions

Several parents wrote to the Straits Times recently to express their concern about how the Science open-ended questions are structured. Despite the MOE’s good intentions to move towards a more inquiry-based learning, and to cultivate inquisitiveness, it does sometimes seem like the exam format is penalising those who do not memorise and regurgitate model answers.[…]

Useful science tips

Science tip: Many schools have workshops for parents of P5 and P6 students. Here are two presentation slides that may be useful. http://www.rivervalepri.moe.edu.sg/wbn/slot/u1724/Dept/Science/P5n6%20Science%20parents%20workshop%202%201.pdf http://www.radinmaspri.moe.edu.sg/wbn/slot/u3201/Presentations/Answering%20Science%20Process%20Skills%20Questions%20(P5%20%26%20P6).pdf