Learning to Tell the Time

Telling the time from an analog clock doesn’t come naturally especially in this day when everything is digital. Here, I created three sets of cards. The first set would be “5 minutes”, “10 minutes”, “a quarter” etc. The second set would be “before”, “to”, “past”, “after”. The third set would be “2”, “5”, “9”, “noon”, “midnight”.[…]

Thank You

It’s a very strange feeling. It’s a very long week and there’s considerable amount of stress. Still, I am so looking forward to tomorrow when I meet all my kids. And I hope I can make a difference and help them improve their English. I am usually exhausted after my classes but the euphoria is[…]


With the missing Malaysian flight in the news for the past week, we often come across the word “debris.”How do you pronounce it? 1) Dey-bree 2) Dey-bris 3) Other pronunciation What’s your answer? ANSWER:  You can pronounce it as 1) Dey-bree (like how you would read Debra)2) Duh-breeRemember the S is silent for this word.

Tackling Comprehension

Comprehension- as the name suggests, it is about understanding what you read. It’s not tough at all, but you need to use a bit of logic and heart into reading the story. The reason why teachers want students to paraphrase their answers instead of just copying from the passage is to allow them to think[…]