Praise the student, not his behaviour

In a similar vein of the research that shows that it’s better to praise effort than ability, this shows that to build good character, it’s better to praise the person than the behaviour. Fascinating research.

Learning for Life

We always stress to our students that learning isn’t for the exams. Education is important because it moulds our character and also offers us skills which are applicable throughout our lives. Science and maths are not redundant subjects which “you don’t use when you are an adult.” An excellent command of languages will always leave[…]

Good news! New classes!

We are going to have additional English classes from May!The location is likely going to be in the Novena/Toa Payoh area and it will be on Friday nights after 6:30pm. Please indicate your interest here, , even if you had expressed your preference for weekday classes previously. We will contact you after we confirm the venue[…]

What is the volume of air?

Questions like these come up quite often in the exams. The answer for question 1 is (4) and the answer for question 2 is 800cm3. A parent asked me if I spotted the contradiction between the two questions. If, in the second question, the volume of air regardless of how much air has been pumped[…]