Speaking Chinese is OK

This was from MOE’s Facebook, advising parents to speak good English in front of their kids. I have a point to add.

Some parents pride themselves in speaking to their children in English. Little do they realize they are really teaching their kids Singlish.

Speak the language you are good at. It can be English or Chinese/your mother tongue. It IS OK to speak Chinese at home. It’s not less classy and it’s just as important if not more than English.

We are blessed to be learning two languages in Singapore; for the Chinese speakers, it would mean we can probably talk to half the world’s population. And with China’s growing importance globally as the second-largest economy, that’s a skill we should have.

(MOE FACEBOOK) English Tip for Parents:
Children pick up their language skills, both consciously and sub-consciously, from what they see and hear.

Here are 6 examples that many Singaporean parents are prone to using:
“Faster late already”
“You don’t listen I tell Daddy”
“Why you so naughty”
“Wait Mummy give you ok?”
“You better don’t do that ah”
“ Everytime also like that”

Be mindful of the language you use. When you correct yourself and consciously speak in standard English, your child will do so too!