Why we are starting Chinese classes

Someone asked why we are starting Chinese classes.

We have always wanted to start Chinese classes. However, we also believe in progressing steadily instead of jumping the gun.

You don’t see us expanding ridiculously fast by having many franchises or setting up branches within a year of operation. We could do that, but it will be at the expense of our students. We have a responsibility towards the students, so we have to do our job well. We want to do something only when we think we can do it well.

When we first started, it was just the two of us- we want to make sure the curriculum and materials are good enough, so we only started with just Primary school English, Maths and Science. After mastering the primary school curriculum, we progressed to work on the secondary school classes.

Now we feel it’s time to start Chinese classes.

Chinese always has a very special place in our hearts. We have benefited from being effectively bilingual tremendously. For instance, Wei had his first news and radio internship in Hong Kong because he knew Chinese. He then was also able to work in Taipei and later analysed China’s stock market because of his ability to speak Chinese. Basically, it became his rice bowl.

Practical reasons aside, Chinese is a beautiful language which needs to be appreciated. Too often, our children forget the language isn’t just for examinations, but a great mode of communication.

For our primary school Chinese, we are very lucky to get two experienced and loving teachers. The teacher in charge of P1-P4 has been teaching the language for the past decade, while the P5-P6 teacher is also in tune with the latest syllabus, having just taught the graduating PSLE class in a government school.

We have a consensus in learning Mandarin.

For P1-P4, we want the classes to be fun. We want the students to understand the stories behind the idioms and phrases, we want them to go beyond just memorising but also appreciate the language.

For P5-P6, you would notice Chinese classes are three-hours long. Understanding Singaporean children are relatively weaker in the Chinese language, we want the PSLE preparation course to be more rigorous. Composition drafts will be done to perfect the art of writing, oral (a huge component) will be practised so that they sound eloquent and elegant and the school curriculum will be explained so they can clarify any doubts they have.

That’s our vision for our Chinese language. To start them off on the right foot in lower primary so that they will love the subject and to hone their foundation in P5 & P6 so that they can ace the PSLE.

If you will like to try our classes, you can check the Chinese schedule here, along with the other subjects http://ift.tt/2wFeY2Z.

Do note quite a few upper-primary and lower-secondary classes are already fully subscribed, so act fast if you are keen to join our family. 🙂 For enquiries or reservations, you can message us here. http://ift.tt/2cWZ0aG from Study Room http://ift.tt/2fBE6la