It’s not nice to use nice

I always tell my students: 1) No word echoes: don’t repeat the phrases you use if possible. It would appear like you have a limited vocabulary bank. 2) Don’t use the word “nice”. It’s a lazy way of writing. Everything can be “nice”. Yesterday, while I was at my parents’ place, I watched this TV[…]

Life is so easy?

“Life is so easy now, you don’t have classes everyday,” said some friends. On the surface, it appears so. However, there’s a lot of responsibility involved. Guiding the kids academically and also aiming to provide an education for them, devising ways to get them interested, and helping them improve in the most efficient manner possible.[…]

The woes of answering Science open-ended questions

Several parents wrote to the Straits Times recently to express their concern about how the Science open-ended questions are structured. Despite the MOE’s good intentions to move towards a more inquiry-based learning, and to cultivate inquisitiveness, it does sometimes seem like the exam format is penalising those who do not memorise and regurgitate model answers.[…]

Happy New Year!

A superb class before we close for Chinese New Year. Always delighted when students try their best at attempting the questions. Even happier when I pose questions from previous weeks and they get it correct, telling me it’s cos they revised at home. Happy New Year, all!!!

March Holiday Programme

The March school holidays are here soon and we are planning exciting programmes for you! Check out what we are offering! Monday March 16 – Friday March 20  Upper-Primary Intensive Composition Writing (12-2pm) -We teach the latest three-picture composition format, explain how to tackle it and provide intensive exercises for the entire March holiday. –[…]