DIY Visualiser

What do you see on the left? A lamp? It’s more than a lamp. This is not a philosophical question. 😆 This is a visualiser too. Being a small enterprise, every cent counts. A good visualiser costs a thousand dollars. Wallace, the Science guru who always advocates application to what’s learnt, walked the talk too.[…]

P6 Composition tip

P6 Composition tip: Don’t be a Mediacorp scriptwriter How often have you cringed when you watch our local dramas? “Man, that’s just predictable!” you would groan. or “That simply doesn’t make sense!” Why is the bad guy in the show always sneering after an evil act and why is it so coincidental that the protagonist[…]

A fabulous first week of school!

It was a hectic, yet fabulous first week of school. We got to know more friends, started our Chinese classes and were well-prepared. Our new teachers Aden, Sook Yee, Yang Ping and Yaxi were able to hit the ground effortlessly with their years of experience in teaching. We are thankful for their help, and of[…]

Our role as educators

A friend recently asked if I thought I have changed someone’s life. We don’t know if we have, but hope we have at the very least influenced a student for the better. Education is unlike other businesses. It is not just about dollars and cents. We have to go beyond our duty and care for[…]

Did badly for PSLE?

One thing I really hate about PSLE is the streaming exercise that comes after that. I am all for getting the students to study hard to lay the foundation of their languages, Science and Maths- these skills will aid them in life. While putting the students in different schools based on their grades at 12[…]

Our Chinese classes

How are you conducting your P1-P4 Chinese classes? This is a frequently asked question by parents. 1. We adhere strictly to MOE’s syllabus. 2. Our goal is to build your child’s foundation and more importantly, cultivate his interest in the language in a friendly and encouraging environment. Easier said than done! Let me show, not[…]