Science tip: Do you have problems with primary school Science open-ended questions?
Try this question!
Wallace carried out an experiement to find out how the height of three similar plants was affected by the amount of light they had been exposed to for a period of time. The results were recorded below.
Dim light: Height of plant: 2.5cm→3.5cm
Bright light: 2.1cm→ 3.8cm
Very bright light: 2.0 cm→4.4cm
Explain how the amount of light can affect the height of a plant in the experiment.
How would you have answered this?
As the amount of light increases, the height of a plant increases.
This is the answer to another question, “What is the relationship between the amount of light and the height of the plant”.
In this case, the key word is “EXPLAIN”, i.e. you also need to show WHY.
WHY does the amount of light affect the height of a plant?
One good way to structure an “Explain” answer is to say that A causes B which then causes C.
“The greater the amount of light, the greater the rate of photosynthesis, so the plant can grow taller”
Remember to read the question carefully when you answer such questions! from Study Room