Happy New Year!

A superb class before we close for Chinese New Year. Always delighted when students try their best at attempting the questions. Even happier when I pose questions from previous weeks and they get it correct, telling me it’s cos they revised at home. Happy New Year, all!!!

March Holiday Programme

The March school holidays are here soon and we are planning exciting programmes for you! Check out what we are offering! Monday March 16 – Friday March 20  Upper-Primary Intensive Composition Writing (12-2pm) -We teach the latest three-picture composition format, explain how to tackle it and provide intensive exercises for the entire March holiday. –[…]


Some parents heard constant screams of joy outside of classroom last weekend and probed what got their children so excited in class. One asked, “Are the students actually enjoying themselves when they have to study?” This is probably very rare when students are asked to attend enrichment classes. 🙂 We try to make our classes[…]


We are halfway through our first week- we will be meeting most of you over the weekend. Let me share with you some queries we have encountered. 1. How big is your class? As many of you know, we cap the class at eight students. This is so that we can pay attention on every[…]

Word of Mouth

A student’s parent was at a park one morning, met someone exercising there and recommended us to her! True story! Thank you. We are always touched by your gestures of kindness. As a new school, we appreciate all the help rendered and word of mouth is the best way to spread our name. We can[…]