Invite me to NDR!

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is inviting Singaporeans to the National Day Rally. To be invited, we have to send a photo of a smart device or program which has improved our lives and tell them why or tell them how Singapore can become a #smartnation. We are sending pictures of some of our students[…]

Career talk!

Thankful to my pilot and vet friends who agreed readily to speak to my students about what their jobs entail, the courses one should take and motivate them to work harder towards their goals. While a few are certain they want to be a pilot, many are still “shopping” for their dream career, which is[…]

Are you a helicopter parent?

In our latest Zaobao column, we wrote about helicopter parents. While parents want the best for their kids, overprotecting them may not be the best for them, ironically. Here’s the translation and story: — Are you a helicopter parent? Helicopter parenting,referring to overprotecting/overcontrolling a child in a way that is in excess of responsible parenting,[…]

Half year reflection

Every half a year, we take a step back and reflect on our work. This is a good way for us to improve and reconsider our priorities and challenges. This year, we moved to a more convenient location that’s a few minutes away from the train station. The Study Room family is also expanding with[…]